Google May Use Online Poll to Name Next Version of Android

A large part of the fun leading up to each new version of Android is figuring out which sweet treat it’s going to be named after. Google’s Sundar Pichai is on a short trip to India, and let a few details slip about what the next version might end up being. According to his statements, we, as in the entire Android community, may get to choose!

During a chat with Indian college and school students, Pichai mentioned that for the next version of Android, Google might host a poll and let the online community decide. If convention holds true, the next version should start with the letter N. Playing a bit to the crowd, Sundar said that if enough of the students in attendance voted, the next version of Android could very well have an Indian name.

Now, this is far from Google officially saying the fate of Android N is in our hands, but it’s an interesting thought. It is pretty easy to see the Internet getting excited about the thought of voting to name the next software version, but since this is the Internet we are talking about, we could also see this going south. What if we all voted for something silly, like Nutter Butter? Wait a minute, Nutter Butters are delicious.

So what do you think? Are we going to get the chance to vote on Android’s future? If we do, my money is on Android Nutella. People go crazy for that stuff.


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