Pre-Order a Nextbit Robin, Receive a Free Vinyl Sheep Mascot by Christmas

Starting today, if you are one of the first 100 people to pre-order the Nextbit Robin, the company will send you one of its vinyl sheep mascot figurines (a $40 value) for free. While your phone will not arrive until February of next year, your little mascot figurine will arrive on or before December 20, just in time for the holidays. 

Pre-orders for the Robin have been up since late October, and if you need a quick refresher, then allow me to explain Robin. Robin features a cloud-first storage function, meaning the phone automatically backs up apps and data to the cloud, making itself more intelligent as time goes on by using your usage stats. The point is, the phone wants to optimize as much storage as possible, keeping your goods stashed safely in the cloud. Advantages of the Nextbit solution would be its ability to backup apps settings, as well as data to the cloud, which you can’t do on a microSD card. An SD card is basically a storage locker that can break or get lost. With the cloud, that can’t happen.

The device is purchasable in two colors as of right now – Mint and Midnight. Priced at $399, there are models available for a variety of carriers, so regardless of who you give your money to each month, there is a Robin for you.

If interested, follow the link below, then choose the “Holiday Special” option to receive your free vinyl mascot.

Pre-Order Link

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