HTC Announces Preview Program, Experience and Provide Feedback on HTC Tech Before Release

In an attempt to rally the troops, HTC is calling on all tech fanatics via reddit to join the company’s new Preview Program, allowing a few lucky individuals to test out products before they see widespread release across the globe. The program will be used to collect feedback and usage data from actual consumers, hopefully leading to devices from HTC that people might want to spend their hard earned money on. 

To sign yourself up for a chance at trying out devices, HTC has set up a simple submission form through its website. You will provide basic contact information, give a bit of insight into how you use your current phone, explain which phones you have used in the past, and if you own a RE Camera. All pretty general. On reddit, HTC states that if you are selected to test devices, you must keep any and all information regarding said device to yourself, and you will be made to sign a digital NDA. HTC also states that they will evaluate all legal options if the NDA is broken, so please, be careful with what you share publicly.

The Preview program will apparently cover future hardware and even software, so if selected, you should be prepared to provide feedback on different user experiences across a wide array of smartphone subjects.

Signing up for the program does not guarantee you a slot, but hey, you can at least try.

Preview Program Signup

Via: reddit | HTC

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