Zagat Updated With Material Design, Sorting, and Search Improvements

There are a few Google apps you never expect to see updated again, such as Chrome to Phone, simply because there seems to be little reason for Google to spend resources on them. We even thought the same for Zagat, too, ever since Google re-released the app for free following the service’s acquisition. Since then, it has simply sat around… until now. Today, Google quite unexpectedly touched up Zagat with a fresh coat of Material Design, tweaks to search, and filtering options. 

Once you have seen one Material Design app, you have seen them all. Still, the pastel touches, rounded iconography, floating buttons, and slide-out navigation pane have not gotten old. In other news, saved items are now sortable. Search includes suggestions and “better” results. And Help articles are viewable from within the app.

The update is rolling out in waves, but you might get lucky if you grab it straight from Google Play.

Play Link

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