You are Seeing That Hot DL Pink in Chrome for Android on Lollipop for a Reason

A couple of you noticed a subtle but awesome change we made to your Droid Life Chrome experience within the last week, but we wanted to make sure that you were all aware. Thanks to a change made in Chrome Stable and Beta v39 that allows websites to show custom theme colors in the toolbar on Lollipop, you should now be seeing that DL pink each time you head to our site. 

The pink experience is featured in the toolbar and bleeds into the translucent status bar when you are browsing a page to let you know exactly where you are spending time on the web, but also helps you to quickly find your DL tabs when using the app switcher (seen below). See, it’s not all eye candy, there is actually a use out of this wonderful color.

In order to get this experience, you need be running Android 5.0, update to the latest versions of Chrome and Chrome Beta, and turn “Merge tabs and apps” to “on,” which merges your tabs into the app switcher (video tutorial).


Play Links:  Chrome | Chrome Beta

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