AT&T Hosts Developer Summit During CES, Announces “Sponsored Data”

AT&T is hosting its 9th annual Developer Summit in Las Vegas this week, focusing on helping developers bring their app ideas to fruition, and how they can better reach the millions of smartphone customers that exist in this country. One new product which was showcased during the keynote that will soon impact Android users is Sponsored Data

Sponsored data will allow companies to sponsor (pay for) a specific amount of data that is needed to deliver a piece of content to a customer. The content could be the browsing of a website for free, a free app download, a song download, and things of that nature. If the customer isn’t connected to a WiFi network at that given time, the user won’t have to worry about that download taking away from their monthly data allowance. Since it’s sponsored data, you can still utilize AT&T’s 4G LTE network and not pay a penny extra for the content.

As for who can take advantage of AT&T’s newly-announced Sponsored Data feature, customers with an active AT&T account that use a 4G LTE or HSPA+ enabled smartphone, tablet, laptop modem, or hotspot can access the free goodies.

Given the service is very new, it might take some time before you start seeing sponsored data opportunities on the street. Until then, take a peek at the FAQ for the service.

Q: What could a Sponsored Data offer look like?

A: For example, a customer may access an application for healthcare from their insurer. Within the application, there is an educational video. The customer sees the Sponsored Data name, identifying that the video is sponsored. When the customer clicks the icon to play the video, the data usage incurred while watching the video is not applied to the customer’s monthly data allowance.

Q: Where will I find AT&T Sponsored Data?

A: Companies that use the AT&T Sponsored Data service on their website or in their application will notify you directly regarding sponsored data offers, the offer eligibility, expiration and any other details.

Q: Will Sponsored Data cost me anything?

A: AT&T’s Sponsored Data service will be available at no additional cost to the customer. When accessing sponsored content on websites and applications, data usage will not be applied to your usage allowance if you meet eligibility requirements.

For more info, check out the via link below.

Via: AT&T

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