Motorola Adds Sprint’s Moto X to Its Bootloader Unlock Program

The Sprint Moto X is available as of, well, today. If for some reason you decide to leave your carry and join Sprint, you can pick it up for as little as $99 on-contract. If you are already a Sprint customer, you aren’t quite as important and will have to pay the typical $199. Either way, if you picked up (or plan to) a Moto X from Sprint, understand that your model comes equipped with an unlockable bootloader. Like the T-Mobile version (whenever it becomes available) and the developer editions (who have already moved out of the “days” away category and are now on 2 weeks), you can unlock to your heart’s desire with Motorola’s bootloader unlock process.

Motorola added the device to their supported devices list this morning, along with the Latin American variant. All you need to do to unlock is hit up the link below, and follow the few easy steps which include an adb command or two to find your device ID. It’s pretty simple, assuming you have the Android SDK and adb all setup.

Keep in mind that unlocking the bootloader of your device will void its warranty.

Via:  Motorola

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