Friday Poll: Do You Use Facebook?

Next Thursday, we’ll assume that Facebook is going to announce something significant in terms of their social network and how it interacts with Android. They have invited a ton of press to an event that will show off their “new home on Android.” Rumors suggest that it will be a partnership with HTC on a software front, that will put Facebook at the front of a mobile experience. It may not be the forking that Amazon has done with Android for the Kindle, but your phone will constantly remind you that you should be using Facebook for all services. It’s an interesting move, but one they probably needed to do as their mobile experience has yet to thrill Android users or investors.

So as Facebook has dominated the airwaves over the last day because of this news, we’ve seen enough snarky remarks throughout the comments and elsewhere on the internet to base today’s poll on. Are the youth still using it or have they moved on? Is it a service that only stay-at-home moms continue to use? We want to know if you use Facebook. Facebook clearly wants you to use it more while mobile if they are looking for smartphone partners.

We’ve sectioned the poll off by age, so be sure to vote in the correct area.

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