10 Tips for Android Newbies or Beginners [My Life Scoop]

In my latest post over at Intel’s Life Scoop, I decided to take a page out of our own Beginners’ Guide by putting together a list of 10 tips for the Android newbie to take advantage of to make their entry into our favorite mobile OS that much easier. We tend to forget at times that we were all newbies or beginners at some point and that as the incredible growth of Android continues, there are plenty out there who could use some help.

In the post, you’ll find reminders about using Google Voice Search to become the ultimate trivia buff, how to quickly delete images in the gallery by swiping, using NFC to send contact info in seconds rather than manually typing anything in, allowing Android to automatically re-arrange your home screens with widgets, and using Chrome to sync your life across multiple devices.

To check out the entire post, head over to Life Scoop.

This post was last modified on January 4, 2020 10:43 am

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