Video: Official TouchWiz’d Jelly Bean Leaked, Up and Running on Samsung Galaxy SIII

An official build of Jelly Bean for the international Samsung Galaxy S3 variant has leaked and a user has posted up a beautiful video going over the build in great detail. Although, you may want to brush up on some of your high school Spanish notes. From what we see so far in the video, Samsung has allowed for only a little of Jelly Bean to show through in terms of UI and have stuck to their TouchWiz UI look. 

Fortunately, they did include many of the Jelly Bean core features that ROM users have come to love. For example, we note they have implemented the new Notification system that allows for more interactive controls on an individual notification and they have also added a brightness dial right on the pulldown bar.  Google Now is most definitely on board, and you better believe there’s some Project Butter in there too.

Jelly Bean roll out is rumored to begin August 29 for the the Galaxy S3, although Verizon’s version does not have an ETA of delivery yet. Sorry, folks.

Via: AndroidMX

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:28 am

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