Playstation Mobile Means New Games, Only if Your Device is Playstation Certified

Remember the Xperia PLAY? The slider with the gaming controls underneath that was supposed to usher in a new hybrid of mobile phones and mobile gaming, but didn’t do too well. That device was the beginning of Playstation Certification, which means that Playstation gives (usually Sony) devices the OK to have Playstation games run on them. In their press conference today at Gamescom, Sony announced that Playstation Mobile is making a push for “bite-sized” games coming to phones and tablets sometime soon.

There were other interesting announcements during this conference, including the fact that if you make a purchase through Playstation Mobile, that game will be available on your PS Vita, your phone and your tablet with only that one purchase. Sony also announced that ASUS and Wikipad are now Playstation Certified partners, meaning you might be able to get some nice games on your Transformers.

Do these new announcements make you wish that your device was Playstation Certified?

Via: The Verge

Cheers Nick S!

This post was last modified on August 14, 2012 11:19 am

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