Google to Consider Sharing Google Wallet Revenue with Carriers to Speed Up Adoption?

According to a report out of Bloomberg, Google is considering sharing revenue from Google Wallet with Verizon and AT&T to get them to adopt the mobile payment service. As you all know, AT&T and Big Red have essentially blocked Wallet from their NFC-equipped phones, as they ready a similar mobile payment solution named Isis. Sources who spoke with Bloomberg claim that the adoption rate has been slow enough that Google is re-evaluating the service. With carriers reportedly finding no incentive to allow Wallet on their network, especially with Isis on the way, this could be one of Google’s only moves. So far, Sprint is the single major carrier in the U.S. to allow Google Wallet to be used. A Verizon spokesperson said that they are “continuing our commercial discussions with Google on this issue.”

On a related note, an “independent” consultant mentioned that reception to Wallet has been “lukewarm” so far. All I can say to that is, “Of course it has been. It’s only available on one phone and one carrier, silly.” It’s pretty tough for a product to take off when it has been shutdown by America’s two biggest carriers and can only be accessed by a select few customers. Before other consultants spout off such insightful comments, why don’t we give it a real chance. That real chance of course, is with Verizon and AT&T on board.

Via:  Bloomberg

Cheers bigknowz!

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