NVIDIA Releases Two White Papers About Project Kal-El, Secret “5th Core” Revealed?

Two new NVIDIA white papers have been released this morning that dive deep into the world of project Kal-El, the world’s first quad-core processor.  The first paper focuses on the benefits of quad-core in a variety of cases including console-class gaming and the new 12-core GPU that produces 3x the graphics performance of this year’s Tegra 2 processor.  Other benefits would be faster pageload times in browsers, quick multi-tasking, better performance while using processor-heavy apps, and most importantly, overall lower power consumption without a drop in performance.

The second paper details an-almost secret “5th core” called the companion core, that allows your device to use much less power while in standby or using background tasks such as music, Facebook updates, and email syncing.  With this companion core, the main quad-core is essentially able to shut down completely, allowing your device to last much longer.

Both papers are great reads for anyone interested in learning all there is to know about this upcoming Kal-El chipset.

White papers:  Benefits of Quad-core | Multi-core CPUs: Low Power and High Performance 

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