HTC Sense 2.0 Skins Also Work on the New DROID Incredible 2

When the HTC Thunderbolt was first released, we were turned onto a couple of gold mines of Sense 2.0 skins.  They were all easily installable, giving us all an almost unlimited supply of new looks for Verizon’s first 4G LTE device.  Well, guess what?  Those same skins all work on the newly released DROID Incredible 2.  Since the version of Sense for the Inc2 sits somewhere in between 2.0 and 2.1, we’re assuming that the framework hasn’t changed at all and is allowing us to enjoy these beautiful creations on another device.

Examples:  rEVOlution | Dusk | DroidLife

To install:

1.  Download a file manager from the market.
2.  Download the files from above or from one of the posts below.
3.  When they finish, tap on them and select “Install.”
4.  When that finishes, head back to your home screen and select “Personalize.”
5.  You will now see your new Skin listed.
6.  Repeat steps for each additional skin.

More skins at these two posts:  here and here.

This post was last modified on May 3, 2011 2:12 pm

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