Tuesday Poll: How Much Data do you Use Each Month?

Verizon introduced a new 150MB data tier to its 3G smartphone plans at the end of October and there was a ton of discussion around how much data people consume and whether or not this could be an option for you.  So with this poll, we want to hear from as many of you as possible to give those out there on the fence an opportunity to see if this new tier is something to consider.  I have a feeling that almost all of you are going over 150MB, but this should display that nicely. (And for those that aren’t sure how to check, you can see the numbers by logging into your VZW account and .)

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What is your record?  Have you run over the rumored 5GB limit and been slapped with fees?

This post was last modified on November 16, 2010 12:21 pm

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