Friday Android 2.1 ESE53 Custom ROM-day

After the releases of Android 2.1 ERE25 and ERE53 there have been a boatload of custom ROM’s flying around the developer world.  In fact, most of these guys almost seem to be competing to see who can release the next, most polished version.  They have also all moved on from the ERE25 build to the ESE53 build which includes live wallpapers meaning it’s time for those of you interested in checking out a custom ROM to do so.

Below are links to all of the files you’ll need plus links to the actual forum posts that the developers have dedicated to their ROM’s.  Instructions for each can be found at the “post” link and if for some reason one of the download links is broken, I suggest you cruise over to the specific post to check on an updated link.

If you are new to the rooting and custom ROM game, we have you covered.  Check out the series of videos we’ve done to help you through the process:

Video:  How to Root/Unroot your Droid with DroidMod Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
VideoHow to Install a custom ROM.

Blackdroid’s Ultimate Droid v.7 (Post)

Pete’s Bugless Beast v0.8 (Post)

AdamZ’s Smoked Glass (Post)

-TGZ file (download the newest)

ChevyNo1’s Simply Stunning 2.0.2 (Post)


I don’t necessarily have a recommendation as to which one you’ll like, but I can assure you that they are all very well made.  AdamZ’s is a TGZ file that works similar to DroidMod which many of you will find completely user friendly, but I should warn you that he is still working through his testing stage.

There has also been the underground battle between Blackdroid and Pete, so choosing one of their ROM’s could have some extra meaning behind it.  And lastly, everyone raves about Chevy’s kernels, so you know you can’t go wrong with Simply Stunning.

Anyone running any of these new ROM’s?  If so, feel free to express which one and how it’s running?  I’d love to get feedback on your adventures through ROM-ing and I’m sure those sitting on the fence would as well.

This post was last modified on January 2, 2020 9:39 am

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