Verizon HTC 10, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge All Pick-Up Security Patches

htc 10 update

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As we head into the weekend, Verizon is updating the HTC 10, Samsung Galaxy S6, and Galaxy S6 Edge. The updates are security patches and nothing more, but you should still try to grab them immediately. Each phone is receiving the October 2017 security patch, plus the HTC 10 is getting its Blueborne patch.

Below, you’ll find the new software version to be on the lookout for. To check for updates, head into Settings>System updates on your phone.

  • Galaxy S6: G920VVRS4DQJ1
  • Galaxy S6: Edge G925VVRS4DQJ1
  • HTC 10: 2.41.605.30

// Verizon [2] [3]



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