CyanogenMod Team Says Goodbye to rAndy and Hello to “Cid”

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The CyanogenMod team is done with all of their tweaking and last minute changes to the new CM mascot rAndy. What they have now definitely suits the team a bit better and has much more spunk. The mascot has now been renamed to Cid. In a blog post, they go in to detail on how they came up with the name and what it means to the community:

We chose C.I.D. which is short for Cyanogenmod ID, the common thread that all CyanogenMod users share; each user’s unique place in our community.

Some of you may also be familiar with the concept of the “id”, the instinctual driving force behind our personalities. It seemed fitting, that this chaotic force and need for immediate gratification, was incorporated into the image of a OS which strives to be on the bleeding edge of Android development.

Thus C.I.D became Cid.

This mascot is riding a skateboard, so we already like it more than the first version. Thoughts? Everyone like this a bit more? Now that this is all over, maybe they will get back to work on CM9. 🙂

Via: CyanogenMod



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