Asus Transformer Prime Gets Some Hands-on Time, This is How You Do “Impossibly Thin”

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The Asus Transformer Prime was made official this week along with NVIDIA’s Tegra 3, and as is customary, some random Euro site got their hands all over it early. This isn’t just some blurry cam quick look either, the folks at ZTOP give us photos of the device from just about every angle imaginable, along with shots of the OS and of it docked. Motorola is having fun calling their new RAZR “impossibly thin,” but wait until you see the comparison shot of this tablet to that very same phone.

Gallery and videos below.  


New Shadowgun:

SuperNote application:

If you were still on the fence over whether or not you should purchase an Android tablet, I would hope that this just helped you life that last leg over the top. For $499 and that screen, processor, thin body and docking abilities? Mmmhmm.

Via:  ZTOP

Cheers lewssd!



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