Rumor: Gingerbread for DROID X Rolling Out this Sunday?

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As the title clearly points out, this is just a rumor for now, but one that we’re hoping to know more on very shortly.  The DROID X could start seeing official Gingerbread (Android 2.3) from Verizon starting Sunday at midnight (to business clients first), with the full rollout happening all of next week.  This seems a little early to me and comes as a huge surprise, but a friend in the business has already said that the build is finished and it is now up to Verizon/Moto to decide when to roll it out.  Again, let’s not get too excited until we have more.  Feel free to cross your toes for a bit though.

Update 3/25 – 10:43AM:  Still waiting for that confirmation.  Apologies for the delay on info, we fully expected to have it by now.  Again, let’s not hold out too much hope for this.

Oh, and to get an idea as to what this 2.3 Blur will look like, check out this post.



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